Killer whales argument ...

Today I have to write about articles that I am reading about killer whales and the positives and negatives of them living in pools in marine parks. “Killer whales in Sea World parks die early. But killer whales in the wild live as long as humans.” That’s what the first article said that shows the negatives of whales living unhealthy, and also according to the Blackfish documentary about SeaWorld’s killer whale program. This program is used to “convince the audience that killer whales, orcas, suffer when forced to live in man-made pools,” according to the article. But Sea World Entertainment says killer whales in the pool have life spans similar to those of wild orcas in the ocean. The company says it provides the whales a healthy home for the 29 orcas that are kept in four marine parks. It’s captive collection is the largest on the planet! But the truth is not nearly as simple as either side claims. The fact is that scientist don’t know for sure how long killer whales live. “This is a debate, but you have to debate with facts,”added Hargrove.( He appears on screen in “Blackfish”) in other words, salmon-eating orcas in the Pacific Northeast might have different lifespans than mammal-eating orcas in the Antarctic Ocean, also called the Southern Ocean...


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